Why would a company need a group in Telegram?

We find ways to implements more scenarios of customer interaction with your brand.
The more scenarios, the more useful target actions,whether it be purchase, registration, feedback or anything else.

Examples of groups
Support of an Internet service

Users ask questions, and the experts answer them. A place to publish notifications for everyone.

Proper support of a 100-500 people group requires on average one person.

Group + channel
Mass media

Publications from the channel are duplicated in the group. This promotes communication between the users and engagement.

Group + administrator bot
Asset management companies

In the group, we announce elections of the house warden. The administrator bot collects the votes, records the results, and displays them.

And then there are autonomous bots, which operate much like websites, except that inside of the messenger. You can read about them here

What are the tasks to be addressed when administering a group?
Problem: undesirable content
Solution: filtering the messages
There are certain categories of messages that are unwelcome in groups.
We can delete them manually or connect a special administrator bot to deal with each of them.
    GIFs, video, animation

    Most of these objects are annoying content. In addition, they take up a lot of space on the smartphone screen. Thumbs down.

    Files (photos, documents, archives and everything that can be attached)

    File filtering protects users from viruses and illegal content.

    Commands (calling a bot, such as /start)

    Commands are published in blue clickable text, similar to links. Novice users start massively clicking on them. The link is copied to the chat again. As a result, a slew of messages with the same link congests the group. And what if the command is operable? Then the bot responds to everyone at once, and the situation gets even worse.

    Service notifications

    These are messages posted in the chat by Telegram itself, such as notifications about participants joining and leaving the group or new pinned messages. What’s it to John Doe that Joe Schmoe joined the chat?

    Forwarded messages

    Spammers take messages from their channel or bot and forward them to large public chats, either to promote their channel, expand the reach, or promote Ponzi schemes. We don’t need all that stuff. Trash it. We’ll set up a filter, so we won’t delete messages from real people from other chats.

Problem: keeping the group alive
Solution: replies to messages
People join the group to ask their questions directly to the brand.
We act as a spokesperson.
    Answers to direct questions

    Before answering the questions, we will study your business and learn your wishes.
    Only if we don’t make it on our own, we’ll come to you seeking advice.

    Creation of topics

    You have launched a new product? The administrator knows how to get the conversation on track. A few suggestive questions, and your company is all the group is talking about.

Problem: unsafe members of the group
Solution: banning the users
Not all users are equally useful for the group.
Our challenge is to see a potentially dangerous Telegram criminal through a new user.

    These are people who want to profit off the group by promoting something for free, foisting their link at least somewhere. We weed such users out based on their actions in the group. If a person forwards a post from another group just after registration, there is a 98% likelihood of them being a spammer. We delete every spammer, identifying them by different properties.


    There are useful chat bots in Telegram, and there are empty accounts with suspicious goals. We introduce a simple spam test. If a person fails it, they go to the middle of nowhere.


    They and others of their ilk, fouling the feed with off-topic messages, rude behavior and obscenities. These usually receive one warning. After that, if they don’t do better, the cell of eternal silence take them!

Problem: decrease in customer engagement after some time
Solution: gamification of the community
Gamification is essential for engagement.
It is one of extra killing features that can be incorporated into the group.
    Reputation of the users

    It is when everyone has a rank and seeks to boost it by being active and decent. The principle is about the same as with karma or reputation that used to be on forums.

    Levels and experiences

    The longer a user is in the group, and the more posts they leave, the higher their indicators. People like the feeling of progress from participation in the group, and they strive to engage in things going on more actively.

Some of these tasks can be tackles semi-automatically, using special administrator bots.
Examples of ready-to-use bots for groups

It helps to format the text, create a delayed publication, add media files, and even set a timer to delete the posts.

Examples of ready-to-use bots for groups

This bot will help to conduct a survey among the customers in a group. The survey can be public or anonymous. The options are presented as text or emojis.

Examples of ready-to-use bots for groups

This bot runs lotteries and raffles in the group. It will automatically make a post with the terms, a timer and a Participate button. Afterwards, it will hold the draw and notify the winner and the organizer on its own.

Examples of ready-to-use bots for groups

A chat moderator bot. It protects the chat from spam and adverts by deleting messages with links posted by users, who joined the chat less than 24 hours ago.

Examples of ready-to-use bots for groups

Shows channel statistics (subscribers, average reach of one post and average number of views per day, average level of engagement and CI), number of views of individual posts in Telegram.

When administering groups, we may use a ready-made solution, as in the above example.
If functionality of the existing administrator bots won’t be enough to solve the problems, we’ll develop a custom one.

Cost of administering groups
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